Get your token

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Tokens and EDB accounts

To download EDB software, you need a token. This token is a string that identifies you and your eligibility to download software from EDB. If you have an account on EDB, you already have a token and can retrieve it.

If you don't have an account, sign up for a free EDB account. Signing up gives you a 60-day trial subscription to EDB's software repositories.

Getting your token

  1. Go to the EDB Repos 2.0 page.

    If you're not already logged in, log in to your EDB account to access this page. After you log in, go to the Account Profile page. On the Account Profile page, select Repo Access.

  2. On the EDB Repositories page, if it's your first visit, select Request Access to generate your Repos 2.0 token.

  3. To copy the token to the clipboard, select the Copy Token icon. Then store the token safely.

After you create your EDB account and generate your token, you can go to and configure your system to use the EDB repositories.

Next step

Next, add the EDB repository to your system.

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