LiveCompare v3

LiveCompare is designed to compare any number of databases to verify they're identical. The tool compares the databases and generates a comparison report, a list of differences, and handy DML scripts so you can optionally apply the DML and fix the inconsistencies in any of the databases.

By default, the comparison set includes all tables in the database. LiveCompare allows checking of multiple tables concurrently (multiple worker processes) and is highly configurable to allow checking just a few tables or just a section of rows in a table.

Each database comparison is called a comparison session. When the program starts for the first time, it starts a new session and starts comparing table by table. In standalone mode, once all tables are compared, the program stops and generates all reports. You can start and stop LiveCompare without losing context information, so you can run it at convenient times.

Each table comparison operation is called a comparison round. If the table is too big, LiveCompare splits the table into multiple comparison rounds that are also executed in parallel, alongside other tables that are being carried on by other workers at the same time.

In standalone mode, the initial comparison round for a table starts from the beginning of the table (oldest existing PK) to the end of the table (newest existing PK). New rows inserted after the round starts are ignored. LiveCompare sorts the PK columns to get min and max PK from each table. For each PK column that's unsortable, LiveCompare casts its content to string. In PostgreSQL, you achieve this by using ::text. In Oracle, use to_char.

When executing the comparison algorithm, each worker requires N+1 database connections, where N is the number of databases being compared. The extra required connection is to an output/reporting database, where the program cache is kept too, enabling you to stop and resume a comparison session.

You can manually recheck any differences found by the comparison algorithm at a later, convenient time. We recommend doing this to allow a replication consistency check. Upon the difference recheck, replication might have caught up on that specific row and the difference doesn't exist anymore, so the difference is removed. Otherwise it's marked as permanent.

At the end of the execution, the program generates a DML script so you can review it and fix differences one by one. Or you can apply the entire DML script to fix all permanent differences.

You can potentially use LiveCompare to ensure logical data integrity at the row level, for example, for these scenarios:

  • Database technology migration (Oracle x Postgres).
  • Server migration or upgrade (old server x new server).
  • Physical replication (primary x standby).
  • After failover incidents, for example to compare the new primary data against the old, isolated primary data.
  • In case of an unexpected split-brain situation after a failover. If the old primary wasn't properly fenced and the application wrote data into it, you can use LiveCompare to know exactly the data that's present in the old primary and isn't present in the new primary. If they want, the DBA can use the DML script that LiveCompare generates to apply those data into the new primary.
  • Logical replication. Three kinds of logical replication technologies are supported: Postgres native logical replication, pglogical, and EDB Postgres Distributed (PGD, formerly known as BDR).

Comparison performance

LiveCompare is optimized for use on production systems and has various parameters for tuning. Comparison rounds are read-only workloads. An example use case compared 43,109,165 rows in 6 tables in 9m 17s with 4 connections and 4 workers, giving comparison performance of approximately 77k rows per second, or 1 billion rows in <4 hours.

This use case is a general use case. For low-load, testing, migration, and other specific scenarios, you might be able to improve speed by changing the data_fetch_mode setting to use server-side cursors. In our experiments, each kind of server-side cursors provides an increase in performance on use cases involving either small or large tables.

Security considerations for the user

For PostgreSQL 13 and earlier, LiveCompare requires a user that can read all data being compared. PostgreSQL 14 introduced a new role, pg_read_all_data, that can be used for LiveCompare.

When logical_replication_mode = bdr, LiveCompare requires a user with the bdr_superuser role. When logical_replication_mode = pglogical, LiveCompare requires a user with the pglogical_superuser role.

To apply the DML scripts in PGD, all divergent connections (potentially all data connections) require a user with the bdr_superuser role to disable bdr.xact_replication.

If PGD is being used, LiveCompare associates all fixed rows with a replication origin called bdr_local_only_origin. LiveCompare also applies the DML with the transaction datetime far in the past, so if there are any PGD conflicts with real DML being executed on the database, LiveCompare DML always loses the conflict.

With the default setting of difference_fix_start_query, the transaction in apply scripts changes role to the owner of the table to prevent database users from gaining access to the role applying fixes by writing malicious triggers. As a result, the user for the divergent connection needs to be able to switch role to the table owner.