Step 3 - Set regions and services

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The final step after setting up a policy and creating a role in AWS is to set the regions and services you want to monitor in your AWS account. In the Cloud Hosted Databases UI, you should be seeing the Step 3 - Regions and Services page.

  1. On the page, select the regions that you want to monitor.

  2. Below the regions, select the services you want to monitor in those regions.

  3. Select the Next: Review and submit button.

  4. Review your regions and services selections, then select the Submit button. If you notice a mistake, you can always use the Prev: Regions and Services button and go back a step.

  5. Upon success, you will see a notification at the top of the Estate page saying, "The configuration has been submitted successfully."

  6. You should start to see the Cloud Hosted Databases section of your Estate page populate with the available S3 buckets and RDS instances.

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